Friday, 21 February 2014


Last Saturday I headed down to the beach at Compton with a few friends. The car park is a little smaller than it was the last time I was there before the recent storms (the rest of it is still there... just halfway down the cliff!). We had a lovely walk in the sunshine along the beach, and just as we turned around to walk back to the car, a storm rolled in so we got a little bit damp!
A dry pair of jeans and a hot chocolate solved that one, and I finally made a start on my essay! 

Compton on Saturday
The reason that this week's blog is titled 'Blessings' is because I've been so blessed this week to catch up with some of the people that I'm closest to. I enjoyed a long conversation on Saturday evening with two of my closest friends in Uganda. We couldn't use Skype, so we messed around with picture messages instead.

Messing around with Brian and Angello on Saturday
I was involved in leading the service again at church on Sunday, and I also lead the Rising Tide youth group as usual. I discovered that the combination of stress and tiredness doesn't make for the best morning when you've got a lot of responsibilities and to top it off, the technology doesn't want to play ball! Fortunately, other than essay writing, I was able to chill out (and eat lots of chocolate!) in the afternoon.

Being half term, this week has been a bit different in terms of youth work. On Monday morning I met up with a couple of girls in my youth group to bake some cakes for a coffee morning. They did really well, and Linda and I were pretty much able to sit back and watch and just give a few instructions. I did a bit of essay writing and spent some time with friends for the rest of the day. On of my friends had been inspired by Lego Movie last week, so his dining table was covered in an impressive Lego collection!

The girls got to sell their cakes at a coffee morning on Wednesday and they were keen to be independent of adult help, so I was banished! After the coffee morning I spent a few hours making preparations for 'The Space' - the new youth cafe that we're opening after half term. I got my weeks share of exercise lugging big foam cushions around to work out how to set up the room.

Another great blessing on Tuesday evening - I left the island and drove up to Esther's halls in Southampton to spend the night with her. I arrived just as her halls' Christian Union was starting, so she took me to join in with prayer, praise and a study on 2Corinthians which was nice. It was really good to just participate in a bible study and not to have any leadership responsibility. Later in the evening we Skyped Clare which was great fun and absolutely lovely.

Esther, Clare and I making silly faces at each other on Skype.
Wednesday was an amazing day.
Esther and I got up at 5am(!) because we had arranged to Skype Brian in Uganda at 8am (Uganda time). Unfortunately there was a power cut where he was, which meant that he had no internet so we couldn't Skype. Never mind; Esther and I decided to make the most of the early start by going out to watch the sunrise.

When I got home I was greeted by a big pile of mugs on my bedroom floor that have been donated by people from my home church for The Space youth cafe. Thanks!!!

In the evening my friends Angello and Brian in Uganda were together and they managed (after much effort) to find some power and internet to Skype me - wow, what an incredible blessing that was! Its hard to explain how much I miss them - in luganda I would say 'nkumisinga nyo nyo ddala' which directly translates as 'I miss you much much really'. To get to chat to them both together was just so special.

Brian and Angello on Skype from Kampala
So all in the space of 24hours I got to spend time with my 'sisters' Esther and Clare, two of my closest friends Brian and Angello, and also my wonderful Mum and Dad. After a tough few weeks, I just felt more and more whole and blessed as the day went on! I really do have some incredible people in my life... they're just quite spread out geographically!

I finally finished my essay on Thursday. I've been writing about 1 Corinthians and the problems in 1st Century Corinth which has been pretty interesting. Now I'm working on a sermon as I'll be preaching on Joshua 1 at the beginning of March.

Prayer Requests
- Pray for The Space - the youth cafe that I'm launching on Wednesday. Pray that we get a good turn out, and enough cakes and volunteers.
- Pray for safe travels down to Sopley and then back to the Isle of Wight on Tuesday.
- Pray for me as I write this sermon.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Studying, Climbing and Playing with Fire!

After such an intense weekend, I was glad to be able to sleep in and take most of Monday off before a meeting in the afternoon. I went for dinner with a family from church in the evening as usual which was lovely, and afterwards I headed up to a friends house to just hang out with friends for the evening which was great.

We took a couple of visitors to Moorlands on Tuesday - 2 young people from the island who are thinking about studying there, so it made a change to have them with us. We had some interesting lectures about the importance of context and about the geography of the Old Testament and the archaeology involved in researching it. I also got back my New Testament essay on the culture of New Testament Galilee.

Wednesday was very exciting because I got to go climbing for the first time in a very long time! We took the young people from DofE indoor rock climbing, so I got to train them in how to tie in, how to communicate properly whilst using the wall and how to belay safely for a climber. I also had a Steering Group meeting on Wednesday and I went to help out another youth worker with his 'Go Deeper' group where we did a bit of practical work - putting lots of tins away for the Food Bank, and we did a bible study on Acts 1.

By Thursday the tiredness was setting in, but I got all my planning and preparations for Rock Solid ready and I ran the session in the evening around the theme of love - rather appropriately for the time of year!

At YFC we completed our listening training on Friday and we said goodbye to Dan who left to spend 5 weeks in Canada for his Moorlands block placement. Afterwards we just about had enough time to grab some lunch before we went to school for lunch club where I gave out lots of cards advertising our new youth cafe - The Space which we're opening after half term.
We decided after school to go to the cinema to see 'Lego Movie' which was a laugh!

In the evening a bunch of us got together to spend the evening together. After watching the guys shooting zombies (on a screen), playing with fire, and then playing with knives (in real life!) I concluded that I just don't understand boys!

Lego Movie

Come Saturday, I definitely was in need of a lie in, which I was glad to take!
I've been thinking a lot lately about what I'm actually doing here... after running a seminar on God's plan for our lives, I had a think about my own life and what God's plan is in it. I think that this period of my life is definitely a time of a lot of growth and learning.  I face a lot of challenges in my work, but the biggest challenge for me isn't in the work that I'm doing, but in the fact that I feel so torn between where I am now and a hot, dusty but stunningly beautiful country 4000 miles away. So right now I'm just trying to do my best. I'm doing what I think God has called me to do right now. I'm training and growing and trying to become more like Jesus Christ. And all the while I'm trying to help other people to do the same.

So if you're up for praying for me this week...
- Pray for energy.
- Pray that I'll have enough time, motivation and efficiency to get an essay and a sermon written.
- Considering the recent weather, pray that I'll get off of the island easily on Tuesday.
- Pray for Rock Solid - I currently have no leaders which is less than ideal!

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Bacon on a camping stove and Catalyst Weekend Away

After a much needed day off last Saturday, I helped to lead the service on Sunday. This included giving an illustration about following Jesus in which I climbed (twice!) through a toddlers play tunnel, and almost got stuck in front of the whole church! We had a covenant service, so the children's and youth work was a bit different, but the service went well. In the afternoon I had lunch with a couple from church and met their son for the first time. He had lived in Uganda at exactly the same place that I was, but a year before me, so it was great to meet him and to chat about our experiences.

At our prayer breakfast on Monday we were talking and praying about trials that we face. We then had a meeting about the weekend away. Afterwards, I went to a local school with a couple of other youth workers to hand out free juice at lunch time and to chat with some of the students which was good fun.

I just about had a bit of time to get some planning and bits done before another meeting in the evening about another service that I'll be involved in leading.

I went to Moorlands on Tuesday as usual, but college was very quiet this week because all the second and third year students are away on their block placements in various places around the world! We started two new modules on Old Testament and Hermeneutics which were both interesting.

I met up with a friend from church on Wednesday morning for a drink and a chat which was lovely, and then I got on with planning and preparations for youth groups. In the evening I went to DofE where we were teaching the young people how to cook on trangia camping stoves. Something tells me that they might have a different choice of food to cook during their expedition, but they enjoyed their bacon and pancakes!

I had a whole load of planning and paperwork to catch up on on Thursday morning, but I also somehow found some time to spend in at church tidying, sorting and organizing the storage in the room that I use for youth work. I found lots of boxes full of lots of interesting things and I found more suitable places to store them. This meant that I could make some more room for my youth work and for storing all kinds of things that I use for games.
I had Rock Solid in the evening, and I had a challenge finding leaders because of illness but eventually we managed to go ahead. We had a new young person at Rock Solid which was great.

Games at Rock Solid

On Friday we (The YFC team) had listening training again, and then we all headed off to Westbrook for the Catalyst Weekend Away. We had around 60 young people from all over the island, and we spent the weekend learning about what it means to be a follower of Jesus, eating good food, playing lots of crazy games (including muggle quidditch!) and worshiping God. We ran lots of seminars, and I ran one on thinking about God's plan for our lives.

So now I'm back after the weekend away, and definitely ready for a good night's sleep! It's been a difficult and very busy week, but followed by a brilliant weekend. It was a great chance to get to know some more young people, to have fun with the team and to spend lots of time with God, and although I'm exhausted, I definitely feel refreshed!

Please pray this week...
- For everyone that was on the Weekend Away to not lose their passion but to grow even more in relationship with God.
- For my Rock Solid leaders - for good health.
- I have a couple of important meetings this week, so pray that they go really well.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

The end of January

My week started like usual with our YFC prayer breakfast and team meeting. We thought about having specific things to be deliberate to pray about.
The rest of Monday very quickly filled up with meetings, but I did also manage to squeeze in a dinner with some friends from church which was nice.

I went to Moorlands on Tuesday and handed in my essay. We finished 2 modules on Youth and Society, and Christian Doctrine, so next Tuesday we will be starting new ones. I had a meeting in the evening about the service on Sunday which I'm involved with leading, and after a long day I was glad to climb into bed!

I made myself very productive on Wednesday making flyers and updates and getting things ready for a new cafe that we want to open soon at church. I also had the challenge of finding volunteers to help at my Rock Solid club, planning this week's Rock Solid, and just generally lots of admin!
In the evening I went to DofE where we recapped some map skills and then I led a team building exercise. It was really interesting to see how the team worked together and was great to see some of the quieter members of the group gaining confidence.

I worked on some more flyers on Thursday, and also on a seminar that I'll be running at the Catalyst Weekend Away (A youth weekend that YFC are putting on next weekend). I also had to prep Rock SOlid which involved sewing some marshmallows together (don't ask!).
In the evening I ran Rock Solid which went really well. We focused on the Body of Christ and tried out some strange new games. We also had a time of creative worship with some paints and other things.

Getting to see these girls responding to God is such a blessing.
I went to a local school with some others from YFC on Friday. We went in at lunch time to just chat with some of the young people there and to build relationships. A couple of the girls from my Rock Solid group were very excited to see me in school, and they introduced me to their friends which was good.

When I got back I just had time to have a chat with a couple of friends in Uganda on the phone before I had to go to help set up for Emerge - the youth event that we were running in the evening. I ended up helping to cook dinner for all the youth leaders and the band. Emerge went really well. Simon gave a talk about the Gifts of the Spirit and we shared lots of sung worship and prayer. It's great to spend time with God.

This has been a bit of a crazy week for me with some stuff I can't really write about in my blog. I get the feeling that God is trying to teach me something at the moment about perseverance, or about working through his strength rather than my own. That is easier said than done. Although I don't really understand it right now, I know that God's plan is greater, so I look forward to the day when I can look back and understand what was going on right now, and I can celebrate what he did through it.

So I'd appreciate your prayers if you're up for it...
- For me to remember that it is through God's strength, and for his glory that I work.
- Pray for the  new cafe, 'The Space' that I'm currently trying to set up.
- Pray for all the young people that I work with.
- Pray that numbers will increase in the groups that I run.
- I have a couple of friends going through a tough time at the moment so pray that God will work in their situations.

I've set up a new blog with youth work updates which will be published on Sunday. It's mainly for the benefit of the people at the church I work at, but anyone is welcome to have a read at
(or just click on my blogger profile and find it through there).