Friday, 20 September 2013

1st Block Week at Moorlands

This week I started my course at Moorlands College. I'm studying a placement based course, which means that usually I'll only go to college once a week, but this week for the start of the degree, we had a whole week in college. 
It was fantastic!
It was somewhat different from the 'freshers weeks' that I expect most of my friends will have experiences of, as we spent all day, every day in lectures. We covered lots of different topics in our first module; from conflict to boundaries, and from worship to preaching. The lectures were filled with lots of challenging and interesting ideas.

"What is worship?"
"Your view and understanding of God will always determine the quality of your worship."
"People should come away from your sermon praising God, not praising you."

These were just some of the things that I have written down in my notebook.

We found different things to do to entertain ourselves in the evenings, so on a couple of days I ended up going for a walk along the beach with people from my course. Another evening we had a 'party' with our tutor group (which was like no party I've ever been to before, but it was good fun!). I also discovered a particular (apparent) talent for table football!

At this point in time, I'm really quite excited about the degree I've just started. The people on my course are great. Its brilliant to have such a diverse group of people of different ages, backgrounds and characters, and I'm looking forward to studying with them and getting to know them all better. We'll see whether my attitude changes when I have my first essay set!

So I'm back on the island for the weekend, and then on Monday I'll be headed back to Moorlands for another 3 days for orientation and study skills.

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