Sunday, 26 January 2014

A few crazy journeys and a 4000 mile conversation

After our YFC meeting on Monday at which we did lots of planning for a weekend away that is coming up, I finally got my essay finished! I went round to have dinner with a couple from church which was lovely and I had a meeting afterwards about the services in February. We had some rather exciting ideas!

As usual I went to Moorlands on Tuesday. This meant that I left the house at 6 in the morning and after a delayed ferry, a boat in the way meaning that the journey to the mainland took twice as long as usual, and then a cancelled ferry on the way back, I finally got back 14 hours later!
I did however have some great lectures. Our lecturer managed to include a Lord of the Rings clip in a lecture on Jesus, and a Star Wars clip in a lecture on the Holy Spirit! We also had a lecture on Equality of Opportunities which sparked some good discussions.

From the ferry on the way back I called my friend in Uganda. He works as a driver, so he was in a National Park taking some people on safari, but unfortunately he was really unwell. I was really worried about him but all I could do for him was pray, and so I phoned again the next day to see how he was, and praise God, he was feeling and sounding so much better! What an incredible blessing to be able to have a conversation spanning 4000 miles, and hear such a good friend, from a boat on the River Nile, describe the scene in front of him of exotic birds, monkeys, crocodiles and even elephants whilst I was sat in my room in the UK!

Fortunately I didn't have too much out of the ordinary to do this week as I wasn't feeling up to much, but I managed to get the necessary planning done and to sort out my portfolio for Moorlands. In the evening on Wednesday I went to DofE and we helped the young people to start to put together a route for their first day walk.

On Thursday I had a meeting with my field work tutor for Moorlands, we were able to go through my portfolio and have a chat about my placement which was helpful. I did some planning for Rock Solid but unfortunately had to cancel it this week as all of my leaders couldn't make it.

On Friday morning we had the second session of listening training at YFC. Its interesting to think about how we listen in such detail! All week I wanted nothing more than to just be at home, so after the training, I drove over to East Cowes and got on a ferry to go home to my parent's house for the night. It was lovely to see them and to chat about how everything is going. My lovely Mummy made me some chicken soup with dumplings which was very yummy, and Dad and I spent the evening together as Mum had to go out. I made a quick apple crumble too which was nice.

The next day, Dad and I washed all three cars (they all certainly needed it!) and Mum and I did some more cooking. We made a chicken pie from scratch which reminded me of my time in Uganda, when the only way to have a pie at all was to make it from scratch. I did it a couple of times and introduced some Ugandan friends to the concept of pastry! My brother John and his girlfriend Cat came round for dinner which was really lovely. Despite winding each other up so much when we were kids, John and I get on really well now, so its always good to see him.

Washing cars
Chicken Pie
I had a bit of a crazy journey back because my friend Tallie from the island had been in London for the day, and was stuck in Guildford because there were trees down on the railway lines and no trains were running, so Dad and I made a dash up to Guildford to rescue her and then I drove the two of us back to the ferry in Southampton.

This morning I had the opportunity in church to show some photos and tell people at church about what I've been doing which was good. It also gave me a chance to make a request for volunteers for the new things that I want to set up. I also ran the youth group and we thought about choices and peer pressure.

As I've been reminded this week; sometimes prayer is all we have, but it certainly works. So if you'd like to help me out, I'd appreciate your prayers...

- Pray that I'll get completely over this cold.
- Pray that some more volunteers will come forward to help out with new things at church.
- Pray that I'll be able to hear God and to feel at peace about what he wants me to do.

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