Sunday, 29 June 2014

Looking Ahead

There's so much that I could write about this week...
I've had a great week on the island including a trip to the farm with our toddler group, the largest ever group at our Rock Solid club, some meetings about all sorts of exciting things, a few meals with friends, my highest ever grade for an essay and our best ever position in the pub quiz - we only came joint last this week!
Things here on the island are going really well at the moment and I'm excited to see what God will do over the Summer and next year.

On Friday I left the island and picked up Esther so that we could leave early the next morning for GoFest - A Christian festival all about mission. Despite getting very lost on the way there (I blame the satnav!), we had a good time and got to speak to some great people who have some fantastic stories and experiences. It was really helpful for me in starting to think about the next steps for me after completing my degree. In the late afternoon we decided to pay a surprise visit to Clare who had just arrived home from university. It was so lovely to see her and to all be together. We had a very special afternoon and evening catching up and sharing dinner with her fantastic family.

This is also quite a significant week for me because Tuesday will mark exactly a year since we left Uganda. My memories from my Gap year will always be very precious to me, but I've come to realize over the past year that whilst that particular season had to end, I'm been blessed to be able to carry forward friendships, experiences and lessons from that season and I know that Uganda will always hold a special place in my heart. So its with an awful lot of excitement that I'm now preparing to visit my friends in Uganda again next week! For me I hope that this will be the first of many returning trips to a place that feels very much like a home from home.

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