Sunday, 23 March 2014

Freedom to be Foolish.

This week has been so lovely as I had Clare come to visit for the week. I dragged her around all the meetings and youth groups that I do, but I think she enjoyed it! As well as all of that, we also found some time to just go out and enjoy the sunshine(?) and the countryside together. Messing around running down hills in the wind, it struck me that it's been such a long time since I had just felt free and really had fun. 
Being responsible for other people is great, and it really is such a privilege to watch them learn and grow. What I'm starting to learn though is that whilst dignity is something that is quite important to me, its not something that I always have to have all of the time. Maybe sometimes I need to be a little less proud and a little more prepared to laugh at myself and just be free.

Clare and I up at the Pepper Pot
I once heard someone talk on worship, and they explained that when you really 'get' what God has done, and who he is, you just cant help but go crazy! It's so exciting and you just want to go crazy in celebration. I love when I get to a place when I can really let go in worship. When I stop caring, or even thinking about other people who might be watching, and just let go and celebrate God in freedom. I think he must love seeing his children looking so ridiculous because we're just so excited about who he is! God doesn't care if we look foolish for him, he loves it! 
What I really want, is to have that attitude in everything I do - not just when I'm singing worship songs, but when I'm just 'doing life'. Of course, often we have to reign it in a little - it would be a shame to frighten people! ... but I'm trying to be more prepared to be foolish for God, and to celebrate the freedom that I have in him.

Tomorrow (Monday) I'm going to Moorlands for our final block week of the first year, so I'll be at Moorlands having lectures all week.

Please pray...
- That all my youth work goes smoothly this week as my team run it without me.
- Pray for me at Moorlands - for energy and that what we're learning will be really interesting and engaging.
- Pray for me and my group as we prepare an assessed presentation on Chinese religions for Friday.

I keep a youth work blog which has much more detail about what I do in the week at

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