I've been so blessed and privileged to have had all of the experiences that I've had already in my life... and I continue to dream...
At Rock Solid last week, one of the girls asked about how we actually hear God speaking to us, which I thought was quite a profound question for someone so young, but it got me thinking. Personally, I often find that God speaks to me when I take the time to slow down and really observe what's going on, and what I'm thinking about, so I sometimes just write - about whatever I'm thinking about, and I often find that God will guide my words to teach me something new.
I had a few moments last weekend, and this is what I wrote... It's cheesy I know, but this is it...
"I've been thinking a lot about who I am, and what makes me who I am, and who do I want to be? I guess I realized that I don't know any of the answers, and I doubt I ever will, but I do know this... I want to be loved and I want to make others know that they are loved too. I never want to stop learning or growing, I don't want to stop dreaming or fulfilling my dreams. I want to travel, I want to meet lots of different people, I want to laugh and cry and sing and talk into the early hours. I want to see God do amazing things and be a part of it. I want to see the miracles in the small things, I want to appreciate the little blessings and the big ones too. I want to learn from the tough times and help to carry others through their own. I want to care for people and watch them grow. I want to have dreams, not just for me but for those that I invest in.
I may never be able to define 'me' in a sentence, but if I can get to the end of my life knowing that I didn't waste it trying to figure out who I am, I'll be pretty happy with that."
My struggle right now is to live in the moment. I want to give the work I'm doing right now my all. I don't see anything wrong at all about having hopes and dreams for the future, but I do see something wrong with always waiting for the next thing, and never just 'being' where you are at present.
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Compton on Saturday |
I'm looking forward to seeing my brother and Catherine who are coming to visit me tomorrow and then to welcoming Clare who is coming to stay for a few days next week.
We're finally starting to see Rock Solid take off - it's been steadily growing in numbers for the past few weeks. We're hopeful that The Space (our youth cafe) will start to grow soon too.
If you want a few more details about stuff I've actually been doing, I keep a youth work blog at www.gunvillemethodistyouthwork.blogspot.com
Things to pray about:
- Pray for my latest project: The Space youth cafe, and that some young people will come along.
- Pray for me as I try to find new experiences and organize trips and days out with my young people.
- Pray for John and Cat travelling to the island tomorrow and for my friend Clare as she travels to the island to stay for a few days. Thank God that we have an opportunity to catch up and spend time together and pray that we will have a lovely time.
Keep dreaming, and keep living!