Wednesday, 23 December 2015

...and see that you are faithful

Well it's coming towards the end of another year, and inevitably many of us are looking back on the year that is passed to reminisce, and looking forward to the year that is to come, with hope and anticipation. I can't help but look back and find myself amazed at what God has done not only this year but over the past few years. 

Two years ago I was really struggling and wondering whether I would continue with my placement on the island - I was struggling with many things, in a place I didn't know, far away from all my friends and family and feeling out of my depth in my work. All I wanted to do was to leave... but now I find myself hoping to stay after I graduate!

Even just less than a year ago we were facing major challenges in the work that we do, but God has done so much through all the amazing people that I work with and I still have the absolute joy of spending my time investing in the lives of an amazing group of young people who are ever growing in their relationships with God and with each other, and working and doing life alongside an incredible team of people.

There is a song that I love by Elevation Worship which goes 
"I will look back and see that you are faithful, I look ahead believing you are able, Jesus Lord of all" (Listen here) 
Life isn't always easy; I don't think its supposed to be... but when I look back and see how far he has brought me and others around me, I can't even attempt to deny God's faithfulness . Two years ago I hated the island that I now absolutely love. God has surrounded me with so many incredible people, in a beautiful part of the world, doing work that is so fulfilling and so much fun and I'm learning more every day. 

Christmas reminds us that God is with us - he gave everything to be with us, and he always will be. If you're struggling right now - look back and see the ways that God has been faithful in the past, and know that he will be faithful in this too. If life is good right now, celebrate that - God is good! Let's celebrate this Christmas because God is with us, he's faithful, and he'll do more than we can ever ask or imagine. 

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