Tuesday, 19 January 2016

When did church become a once a week event?

When did church become something that we go to on a Sunday morning? 

It might seem like a ridiculous question to ask - I've been going to church almost every Sunday morning for the past 22 years. I've been to church in countries all around the world, in different languages, with different styles of music and varying qualities of teaching... but they're all relatively similar... and yet when I look at the Bible it doesn't really seem to fit with what I think a Biblical idea of 'church' looks like.

When I look to the Bible, my understanding of church is that its a community... but who ever heard of a community that 'happened' for two hours in a building once a week? What if we stopped understanding church as an event and started actively and intentionally doing life with the other Jesus followers in our communities? 

What if we shared meals together and painted houses together and went for walks together, and called that 'church'? 
If church is community, we need to be intentional about friendship in a time when individualism is taking over. We were made to be relational, but it seems to me as though many of us are forgetting what that looks like... sometimes we need to be brave enough to share our free time with other people. We need to invite people into our homes and share the simple things that we enjoy with other people, to create memories and build friendships.

What if we raised money together and adopted children together and visited the lonely together, and called that 'church'? 
The church is called to reach out into a hurting world. We're called to bring the love and light of Jesus to those who don't know him - so let's make this our 'normal' and lets make it something that we do together.

What if we studied the bible together and taught each other about what we've been learning, and called that 'church'? 
God loves and speaks to all of us... and it's not just with non-Christians that we should be sharing about Jesus. Some of the most powerful things that God has told me have been through other people. Sharing study and ideas and questions together should be something that is normal for us with our Christian friends.

What if we danced together and stood in awe of God's creation together and celebrated His goodness together, and called that 'church'?
We follow a God who is incredible and holy and worthy of our worship... and that doesn't have to just be through song on a Sunday morning. Let's go and see the world he's made and tell him how awesome it is, or celebrate and use the gifts that he's given us and give him the glory... let's get creative with the ways that we worship and glorify God.

What if we laughed together and cried together and shared our frustrations with each other and tried to support each other, and called that 'church'?
The bible teaches that the church is a family... that means we look out for each other. It means we hold our brothers and sisters when they're crying. It means we do whatever we can to help and to make life better. It means we listen to each other and help to carry one another's burdens.

I don't know about you... but church to me is so much more than an event on a Sunday and it includes so many more people that the others who I meet with on a Sunday morning. Church is the community of Jesus followers that God has put around me who I love doing all sorts of different things in life with. We share normality and service and study and worship and struggles and successes and so many other things, and we do it all day, on every day of the week... Including Sunday morning!

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