Sunday 21 September 2014


Its that time of year when everyone is going off to Uni. Whether they're going back after the summer or starting for the first time. The island is beginning to get quieter; after first losing the summer tourists and now another year group of school leavers are venturing out to live on 'The Mainland' for the first time, as they start this new adventure which university offers. It must be a pretty scary prospect to move to a city when you've grown up in a place like the Isle of Wight. I know though, that these years will be life changing for these young people.

I can speak from experience in saying that being away from home is an adventure, but also that it doesn't come without pain and discomfort:

I left home for the first time in 2012 in a pretty dramatic way - I got on a plane to Uganda knowing that I wouldn't be coming home for Christmas... or in fact for a good few months after that either. Uganda was my adventure... sometimes it was uncomfortable, but it was one of the biggest and best adventures of my life so far and pretty quickly it became my new comfort zone... 

Then in summer 2013 I left and I moved on to a new adventure on the island. Again, its been tough and uncomfortable and I've often had times when I've wanted to return home to the comfort of Basingstoke or Kampala... but here on the island I've grown in ways I never thought I could or would. 

feel very blessed to be living my life, but I honestly can think of few things worse than my life staying the same forever.

I believe that the pain and discomfort that comes hand in hand with stepping into something new and unknown is often necessary for growth. We grow most in ourselves and in our faith when we are challenged and when we push ourselves to leave our 'comfort zone'. As the phrase suggests, leaving your comfort zone is uncomfortable... but if we never did it, we'd miss out on so many adventures, opportunities and lessons.

'Oceans' by Hillsong has a brilliant bridge...
"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters wherever You would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Saviour"

I spent the last week at Moorlands, starting the second year of my degree with a 'block week' of lectures. Tomorrow we have another 3 day block called 'Personal Development Exercise' - designed (I think) to push us out of our comfort zone... I have very little idea about what it will include because we've deliberately not been told, but I'm really looking forward to it and to seeing what God will do in this next week.

Adventure and growth comes with discomfort... so bring it on!

So here's a challenge... why not do something this week that's a bit uncomfortable, and see what God will do through it. Have a chat with a stranger, pay for the bus ticket of the person behind you in the queue, offer to volunteer for a couple of hours somewhere instead of sitting in front of the TV. 

Take a risk and expect an adventure...

... I dare you!

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